Happy New Year!

I hope everybody had the most fabulous of holidays!

Here are some of my highlights:

1) I ate Bambi (le chevreuil) on Christmas Eve. Sadly, the deer was delicious – served with a Bourdeaux wine and girolle sauce. I am now a fan of these trumpet-like mushrooms. Last year we were served wild boar (le sangliere) in a blood sauce, which I couldn't stomach due mostly to the fact it was visually unappealing. Plus, my last name is not Cullen.

2) I played charades. In French. Which was really pictionary, but acted out instead of drawn. At first, it was my idea of a nightmare, but I got really, really easy words.

a) ouvre-boite (can opener)
b) Tendon d'achille (achille's heal)
c) some basket/paddle ball game I had to get the definition of. don't know how I managed this one, but I did.

At any rate, it was girls vs. boys...and girls rule. Even with a handicap (me) on their team.

3) An entity (not a publisher, nor an agent) contacted me, expressing interest in King of the Mutants. I'm interested in seeing where this goes, but can't say anything further except it could be exciting. King of the Mutants, even with me out of the loop for over a week, still climbed the Authonomy charts. It is now at 162 or so. At one point 45 people backed the book, so that means I'll be donating nine books to a library/charity. (I'm using the highest number.)

4) I've made my first two friends here in France – one from Canada, the other from California. I'm thinking of starting a gang. Seriously, both of the women are awesome and it's great to get off my computer and into real life. They call it "integrating" here. I call it finding like-minded individuals to vent with.

5) I survived the holidays without wanting to throw myself off the Eiffel Tower! My French is improving, helped largely by glass upon glass of champagne, and life is good. Here's to 2011 being the best year ever.

SOUND OFF: Any highlights or low-lights this holiday season? Did Father Christma-Kwanz-akkah bring you everything you wanted?

I'll be popping by your blogs tomorrow! Gros bisous!

p.s. Santa? I'm still waiting for that agent. You don't have to leave him/her under the tree, considering we're about to take it down. A phone call will suffice.


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