Seven Letters from Paris- Cover Reveal and ARC tour!

Well, here it is. The cover for the US edition of SEVEN LETTERS FROM PARIS! And it's beautiful, gorgeous, and OH MY GAHHHHH! The hummingbird holds a special place in my heart and is symbolic in the story. Oh my stars! I'm doing the happy dance. (But not to Pharrel Williams. They seriously play that song way too much in France).

At the end of May, I will receive 5 advance copies of SEVEN LETTERS FROM PARIS. I'm planning on an ARC (advanced reader copy) tour for three of them. You'd read my memoir (w/in a week)...and then send it on to the next person on a list I would provide. The catch? All I want is an honest Amazon/Goodreads review on October 1, when the book is released to the public. Apparently having at least 20 reviews on the pub date helps. Space is limited! Two tours are slotted for the US-twenty readers- and one for the UK/Europe- ten readers). To my friends in OZ- I hope to do a tour too with the Aussie edition. I'm not leaving you out! Okay, so. What's my memoir about? And why do you want to read it? Glad you asked...

As Heidi Klum would say: are you in or are you out? Sign up for the ARC tour using the form below! (Don't worry your deets will be kept private and I'll email you to coordinate dates. The tour will take place from June until late September. I know some of you have summer vacations planned!)


Please help me spread the word! Use the social links buttons (Twitter, G+, and Facebook) in the comment form. And don't forget to add SEVEN LETTERS FROM PARIS to your Goodreads! (This makes me so happy I may just dance to 'Happy'). Thank you so much! I can't believe I'll have a real book in my hands soon. This has been one looooooong journey!


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