Go France!
No, you go!
No, you!
No, you!
No, you!
No, you!
Okay, Camille. If you insist...
Some of you may have noticed I've stopped talking about mutant kids and I've been focusing on more things, well, French. And there's a good reason for that. When I started this blog, my goal was to talk about LIFE, LOVE, and LIVING IN FRANCE (and, of course, WRITING), which, as it so happens, ties into my memoir, SEVEN LETTERS.
It's time to get back to my roots.
Which means putting more focus on said memoir.
Since I'm not a celebrity with a drug/sex addiction/drinking/rehab problem (that was so last year and in a former life), or a very funny and former cast member of SNL, I need to develop what publishing industry insiders call a platform.
Platform shoes are not the kind of platform publishers want and, thank God,
because, if you've been following my blog, you'd know I'd probably break my neck.
Plus, I live in a small town in France, dammit.
The only American, I don't need to draw
more attention to myself.
Platform shoes are not the kind of platform publishers want and, thank God,
because, if you've been following my blog, you'd know I'd probably break my neck.
Plus, I live in a small town in France, dammit.
The only American, I don't need to draw
more attention to myself.
So what is a platform and how do you get one?
Simply put, a platform means you have an audience. The types of people who already have built-in platforms are: celebrities; experts in their field (i.e. scientists); writers for popular blogs/magazines; and hot French swimmers from Narbonne.
(Tall, Camille doesn't need platform shoes._
Right. Where was I?Platform.
Before my memoir is put on submission, what does a "nobody" like me do to find an audience?
1) I'm now writing for two expat blogs – ExpatFrance and MaVieFrançaise!
2) I have a FaceBook page I've just started to promote. Click here: LIKE ME. Just saying. Really, you don't want me hunting you down in pimp-tastic clear-heeled, goldfish swimming platform shoes...
3) I tweet. I blog. And then I tweet and blog again. And, oh yeah, I'm now Google +ing.
4) I hook up with other writers/bloggers and francophiles and expats (and anybody who wants to believe in a little romance.) Of course, by "hook up" I don't mean in the sexual sense; I mean I connect. Oh, the pimp in me. Seems I've turned into a word whore.
By doing all of these things, little by little, I'm finding my audience, connecting with other like-minded individuals, and making some awesome friends along the way. It's hard work, but hopefully, it will pay off. And not by the hour.
What can I say? My love is free.
SOUND-OFF: What do you do to build up your platform? Besides other writers and blog buddies, who do you need to connect with? And, more importantly, how about that Camille LaCourt! Go France!
Need some pimp love? Leave a comment with all your links. And let's get this pimp and ho party started. Oh yeah...
I wonder what kind of google search results I'll get with this post? Maybe I should've gone with the Panda dog approach?