WTF Friday: Greetings earthlings! Pure evil? Or divine inspiration?

It's that time of year again – when everyone in the Unites States is subjected to the rigorous marketing ploys of famed lingerie company Victoria's Secret. Yep. Right after Thanksgiving VS launches into full-on attack starting with rapid fire commercials and the pièce de résistance: The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show.

Internal dialogue: I hate them, I hate them, I hate them!

I sat on my couch – bloated and overstuffed from round one of the Holiday Season (Thanksgiving) – watching the previews for the show feeling a bit angry and intimidated by the perfect bodies, especially the flat stomachs. The first thought that came to mind was: forget about angels, these women are aliens. Devil aliens. And then, today, I saw the outfits. And I had to laugh.

I understand naughty school girl looks, the angel wings. But...

An alien straight jacket? Or, who needs arms, anyway?

An alien flight attendant outfit? In granny panties?

Wait! OMG! It's an alien snuggie blanket!

Ready to wear for the next shuttle launch?

Hot bodies, angel wings and perfection aside these looks don't border on the absurd; they're absolutely ridiculous. Surely, this show was the product of a Trekkie fantasy. Thanks, Victoria's Secret! You just gave this girl a reason to shop for Aubade or La Perla and get her (newly) French formed muffin top to the gym.


SOUND OFF: Should VS change their marketing strategy and maybe find some less alien-like (perfect) women to model for them? We can kill aliens, right? I mean, if they invade the planet and destroy our way of life? Like eating carbs. And sugar. Just wondering...

Here's to aliens fulfilling every boy's teenage dreams:

p.s. Colene honored me with an award last week, which I will share on Monday! Thanks, Colene!


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