K is for King of the Mutants

K is for King of the Mutants, my middle grade novel.

Truly stumped, a few friends of mine who have read the opening chapters of King of the Mutants have asked: "how is it you were able to write a book from the perspective of an eleven-year-old sideshow attraction?"

Indeed, a very good question.

I suppose it all comes down voice. And a writer either has "voice," or they don't. For me, I pour myself into my characters, thus giving them a "voice" of their own. Maybe my training as an actress has given me a little of an advantage. Maybe not. All I know is, when it comes to the characters I create, I share their dreams, hopes and fears. This is what "write what you know" is really all about. It's also how you, as a writer, instill your voice into the novel.

Clearly, I'm not an eleven-year-old boy. I don't have a tail (as far you know). And I've never worked at a circus. But throughout the years, especially when I was younger, there were times when I felt like a mutant – an outcast, a freak! I think this is a sentiment we've all had, no matter how popular we were or weren't, no matter how confident we appeared to be on the outside.

Yep, we're all mutants.

Viva le mutant!

SOUND OFF: Any bad middle grade experiences make you feel like a mutant?


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