In order to accept this award, I must do the following:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave me this award
2. Tell everyone 7 things about myself
3. Pass this award to 15 other bloggers
Thank and link back to the person who gave me this award.
Tell everyone 7 things about myself:
1. I went to the Chicago Academy for Performing and Visual Arts, auditioning for voice. I chose drama as my major. I was friends with Lara Flynn Boyle. We are not friends now. See below.
2. Lara tried to get me thrown out of a club in LA (the Roxy) when I was 21. It didn't work.
3. I hate cooked salmon, but I can eat it raw– meaning sushi grade. Seriously. Cooked salmon smells like cat food. Not that I eat cat food. Okay. Moving on.
4. Sometimes I pretend I don't understand the children when they're bitching at me in French, or refusing to clean their rooms. Call me evil. What? Me no speaka French.
5. I used to own a handbag company. I won many awards for it and was even on one of those home shopping channels. I got a bag placed on Sex and the City. Samantha, of course, carried it.
6. I rock the karaoke mic. Bring it on.
7. Seven is my lucky number. And for that reason I'm passing this award on to seven bloggers, not fifteen.
Jill Hathaway
A Taste of Garlic
St. Bloggie de Riviere
Rot du Jour
Nerdville Rhapsody
Life According to Candice
Jill Hathaway
A Taste of Garlic
St. Bloggie de Riviere
Rot du Jour
Nerdville Rhapsody
Life According to Candice